Jay Sullivan

Upcoming Events

April 10, 2024 6:00 PM - Newport, Rhode Island, Redwood Library and Athenaeum

Jay Sullivan Presents The New Nimble
I am excited to be speaking in Newport, Rhode Island in April at the storied Redwood Library and Antheum about how we can all learn to be more creative and nimble leaders.

Learn more about this event here.
Register Here

Past Events

November 30, 2023 - Las Vegas, Nevada, KPMG Exec Ed Symposium

The New Nimble: Preparing Your Organization for the Next Seismic Shift. - Las Vegas, Nevada

October 21, 2023 – Pleasantville, New York, Mount Pleasant Public Library

Thank you to the Mount Pleasant Public Library for allowing me to host the first book talk for The New Nimble in the library were I worked throughout high school. Very grateful for the support of the community. It was great to share some ideas on how we can all become more innovative and flexible in this time of rapid change.

Mount Pleasant Public Library Event